The kitchen is a place that people either love or hate. Either way, this is a space where culinary creations are made, conversations are inevitable, and memories last a lifetime. Whether you are a novice in the kitchen who needs help, or a lifelong culinary expert, there is something about making a mouthwatering meal that will lead to happiness and memories.
Maybe it’s the first time you successfully chop an onion perfectly. Or maybe it’s that time you create one of those meals that everyone raves about, so you feel like a badass. You cooked awesome food, and as you look around, you see joy, hear conversation and compliments about the delicious meal, and people are asking for more. You slayed in the kitchen and brought a lasting smile to those who enjoyed your meal. That internal glimmer of pride gives you that rush of happiness, accomplishment, and the satisfaction of knowing that you were responsible for this moment and beyond. Whatever you made, something on that plate will be forever planted in the memories of those who enjoyed your delicious meal.
When the art of cooking begins, there is a certain energy that happens. Whether you are reading a recipe or going from memory, the kitchen becomes a blank canvas. From the cooking equipment you use, to the ingredients, the spices, herbs, and more. From inception to completion each step creates excitement as it all starts to come together.
There is a certain confidence that comes with cooking that happens. Just like an artist, the perfect stroke of a brush is like cutting, seasoning, boiling, and preparing. The smell is just the beginning of the bliss that comes with completing, serving, and finally eating your delicious meal.
With any accomplishment, our confidence increases, and we feel good. Cooking can bring out the badass in us all.
There are five ways that cooking can increase your confidence.
- You accomplished a goal: The inspiration might have started as you were scrolling on Instagram, or a recipe you wanted to try for a long time. You saw it, set the intention, made the meal, and accomplished the goal of making a delicious mouthwatering meal — maybe you made really incredible chicken for the first time. When we show up, stay the course, and complete something, we have the feeling that we can do more. We are ready to move on to the next challenge. There is that rush of energy and excitement to top the last creation and make the next one better. Whether it is a new recipe or something that you love making, it always feels good to accomplish a goal and do it well.
- You are enhancing your creativity: Cooking is like art. There are directions that you can follow from the recipe, you can add your own twist to the recipe, or you can create something that has no recipe. You are free to do what you want, this is your time and your space. There is a creative element that goes into preparing food and presenting the food. From the dishes, to the placement, and colors of the food and utensils, you can create edible art on your table. As we allow ourselves to create freely, this will empower us to explore our creativity both in and outside of the kitchen. This experience is natural motivation to do more cooking and creating.
- You are taking ownership: From the inception of creating the food to completing the mouth watering masterpiece, you are owning the kitchen. The moment you step into the kitchen, you own the room. You know your result is a delicious, mouthwatering, and unforgettable meal. As you prepare, there is no turning back. With all of the moving parts of finishing a meal, you know what it takes. With each step, you are moving closer and closer toward the end result. Bottom line, you saw, you came, you created, and you completed a delicious meal.
- You are creating memories: Whether this meal is on the healthier side or a decadent dessert, it is you that created it and presented it with pride and love. Since memory is connected to emotion, the lucky people who have the pleasure of tasting your delicious food will remember the meal and you for making it. Whether it is cake, chicken, or chick peas, you will come to mind next time someone has anything remotely close on their plate. Own this moment, you are the reason for some happy people and taste buds.
When you are done with your meal, it is time for a celebration. Pour yourself a drink, kick up your heels, and embrace the moment. Breathe in the lasting aroma of your beautiful and delicious masterpiece. Reflect on how awesome it feels to own the kitchen, cook up something spectacular, and indulge in the unforgettable flavor. With this moment soon to pass, we know that you are already thinking up your next awesome creation.