20 Flavorful Intermediate Cooking Recipes
Looking for intermediate cooking recipes on the internet can be a challenge. There are lots of beginner recipes and advanced recipes to be found, but what makes a recipe "intermediate?" How do you know if it's too hard or too easy for you?
An intermediate recipe is generally one that causes you to move slightly outside of your comfort zone, but not too far. It may have two or three components, but they're relatively easy to put together. The techniques involved are pretty easy to manage without a bunch of special tools or ingredients.
Intermediate recipes can usually be put together in less than an hour of total work, not including ingredient prep — like an apple pie is considered a fairly easy recipe, but you might still spend an hour peeling and chopping apples.
A great example of an intermediate cooking recipe is learning how to up your chicken game so that your chicken cooks perfectly every single time.
Whatever you do, just make sure that you're following a high quality recipe that works, or you might end up wasting time, money, and food. The star ratings on food blogs aren't reliable, because bloggers can tell their recipe plugin to reject bad ratings... and they can also delete negative comments.
The ratings on large recipe websites like AllRecipes are usually reliable because they do not alter their star ratings. You just need to make sure there are enough rating to get a solid sample. I usually shoot for minimum five different ratings before I'll trust a recipe from a large website, especially when it comes to intermediate and advanced recipes.