A lot has changed since the pandemic borked the entire world. I changed careers and basically flipped the OFF switch on my entire culinary business, including the Fearless Cooking Club. I left the Fearless Fresh site up in case anyone needed the recipes, but I have not logged into the site in… I can’t remember how long. Three years now? Maybe four? I can’t even remember how the website backend works, if that tells you anything!
When I took down the Fearless Cooking Club membership site, I threw the hard drive with all of the video files in a drawer and forgot about it. I went to grad school, started working in behavioral health, and pretended the internet didn’t exist. I no longer have any interest in being a small business, especially online. In fact, I experience existential heartburn whenever I get an email related to some sort of online business tool.
But I still invested a lot of myself (and a lot of money) in creating this vast culinary ecosystem. I feel a little sad to think about everything I created not being put to good use. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s waste… and all of this material sitting in a drawer feels like a colossal waste.
So while sitting around on a rainy Sunday afternoon, I started rooting around the videos to see what’s here. It’s still good stuff, and I want people to use it. So, I’ve decided to upload it all to YouTube.
It’s going to take me a while to get it all uploaded, organized, and posted, but I’ve got one Fearless Cooking Club module up so far. You can find the Cooking with Herbs and Spices module here. The rest will eventually go up as well. I hope you enjoy it.
And one last crazy thing: I just opened my calendar up and realized an incredible coincidence. Today is the anniversary of the first day I started food blogging. Can you believe that? 18 years ago, on February 4th, 2016, I posted my very first recipe. I had no idea when I started going through the videos this afternoon. The universe never ceases to amaze me.